Phase 1

The Kids Health and Wealth Study (KCAD)

The original KCAD study was a collaborative effort between five nephrology units, four research institutions, and patient partners in Australia and New Zealand. This study involved 377 school-aged children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years, along with their primary caregivers, who were dealing with chronic kidney disease (CKD) at various stages, including those receiving dialysis and kidney transplant recipients.

The study was conducted across five sites, including The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Queensland Children’s Hospital, Brisbane, and Starship Hospital, Auckland. Recruitment was from 2016 to 2016 and the cohort was followed-up for 5 years.

The first phase of the KCAD study resulted in a series of significant findings, with multiple publications in international journals and national conference presentations.

These findings explored various aspects, such as the financial burdens experienced by families of children with CKD, the associations between family socioeconomic status (SES) and child health, associations between family SES and academic achievements, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among children with CKD.

These findings have played a pivotal role in influencing programs and policies and have led to the development of tailored interventions to eliminate health disparities.

Further information on the findings can be found on our publications page.

Thank you KCAD participants!

We’re incredibly thankful for our participants and their families. Your dedication and time are the backbone of the Kids with CKD Study, allowing us to further our understanding of paediatric Chronic Kidney Disease. Your support is priceless and deeply appreciated.

Thank you from the entire team of PIs and Coordinators!

Together, we’re making strides and creating brighter futures.